Saturday 16 April 2016

Resting bitch face

In my day it was commonly known as the ‘Cheer up, love; it might never happen!’ phenomenon. People (men) shouted this out to me all the time when I was a teenager. I was told that the correct retort to this should be - ‘It already has [happened] - to your mother!’ But I grew up in a rough area, to have uttered this response would have been tantamount to suicide. Anyway, it was generally considered that my face, in repose, looked a bit unfriendly and forbidding. Even a dear friend of mine said to me once; ‘You can look a bit fierce!’

This is a picture of me, feeding the sheep at a petting farm:

I didn't include it when I put the pictures of our farm visit on Facebook because I seem to be wearing a rather ferocious looking scowl. (And yet I've put it on here! It's almost as if I don't expect anyone to read this blog!) The truth of it is that I was nervous. I was trying to demonstrate to my children that there was nothing to be scared of; that the animals were quite gentle and harmless, but I was worried that I was going to get bitten myself! (Yes, I know sheep aren't thought of as being particularly dangerous but they have got quite big teeth....) This picture makes me want to get a botox injection and it also makes me aware of why I often find myself standing alone at conferences - I don’t look very approachable.

‘Resting bitch face’ is defined thus by the Urban dictionary:
resting bitch face. a person, usually a girl, who naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to. Nah, she's just got a resting bitch face, ...

‘Usually a girl’!! At least ‘Cheer up, it might never happen!’ isn't confined to the female sex, in fact, I'm pretty sure my spouse has had it said to him on occasion (we’re a very cheery-looking couple!). R.B.F - as I'm now going to refer to it as, is an American import but when I first saw the meme, floating around social media, it could have been talking directly about me.

Apparently, I'm not alone; this article from the Washington Post, identifies the Queen, actresses Kristen Stewart and Anna Kendrick and arch scowler, Kayne West, as being prone to RBF.

What it also states is that, although some software has ascertained that men are just as likely as women to have RBF, it is perceived as being a mainly female phenomenon! The reason for this, the article concludes, is that women are more likely than men to put a 'brave face on things' or expected to be happy and smiling! So, quite without realising it, I have actually been presenting a kind of feminist protest, with my miserable-looking visage. Every cloud has a sliver lining, right?
I'll leave you with a picture of me glaring at my book, mainly because it has my daughter as a squidgy 4 month old in it, resting on my legs.

Although this whole post could be seen to be incredibly narcissistic - me, me me; look at me and my miserable face, at least I could be seen to be showing a refreshing lack of vanity in sharing these hideously unflattering pictures!

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