Thursday 31 March 2016

The five stages of baking

I bought the ingredients for macaroons this week in the vain hope that I’d produce these lovely little things and save myself shed-loads of money (have you noticed how expensive they are to buy?) Of course I haven’t made them yet, who knows if I ever will, but it has prompted these thoughts about my rather complicated relationship to baking.
This relationship can be summed up thus: I like eating sweet things but am rather lazy and lack attention to detail. Here is a picture of my butterfly cakes:
A bit burnt, slightly misshapen, kinda small.
I have detailed what, for me, are the five stages of baking below.

The five stages of baking.

  1. Hope - foolish optimism that I will be able to bake a thing that resembles the thing in the picture.
  2. Dismay - this whole procedure seems to be a whole lot more complicated and drawn out than I’d envisaged.
  3. Rage - why, oh why, oh why did I ever try and embark on this!
  4. Despair - the kitchen is a mess, I've ruined at least one implement and there is a sticky layer on the counter that can’t be removed by some half-hearted rubbing.
  5. Resignation - ah, maybe they don’t look so bad after all. O.K. so I used self raising flour instead of plain and salted butter instead of salted and there seems to be some kind of subsidence issue going on there but never mind! Anyway, I owe it to the sisterhood to be crap at baking and cooking as I don’t want to turn into some frilly-apron-bedecked Stepford wife.

I'll just leave you with a picture of the butterfly cakes my husband made:
Irritating, no...?

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