Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Diary of an Introvert


Got up, had shower, failed to get published!

Or, to go into finer detail:

Tried to explain what a period was to my daughter (after she had picked a tampon up and asked what it was). Didn’t want to traumatise her too much with talk of blood. Talked about eggs and babies, to which she replied - ‘Mummy - have you laid a egg?’ (am quoting her verbatim, she said ‘a egg’ not ‘an egg’) I laughed.
Forced self to walk to work and was glad - very glad!
I love walking - esp when it is a clear bright day like today, but, as this is the diary of an introvert, I must touch on that aspect of it, I like walking to work as it means that I don’t have to get the bus with other people!

Walked into town to meet him indoors for lunch. Almost everyone I met on the way pissed me off in some way; from the grown man on a skateboard, to the lairy sixth-formers with their shouty voices, to the man in the post office who didn’t say ‘thank you’ (tosser!) Am aware that all of this makes me sound more like a misanthrope than an introvert so will blame it on my hormones (I’m allowed to do that - you’re not.)
Anyway, was massively perked up by lunch! Of course, being a bit of a foodie (or a fattie, if you’re more cruelly inclined) lunch is often one of the high points of my day. Today, me and the old man shared a ‘Cheeky sharing platter’ or somesuch, from The Cheeky Pea in Kingston. I don’t normally do other people’s advertising for them, but, 1) They are lovely and friendly in there and I like them and 2) the food is lovely and 3) Hardly anyone reads this blog.
Here is the photographic evidence - cos, like, everyone loves a picture of some food, don’t they! ;)

Got kids ready for bed with minimal threats (get your pyjamas on now or you won’t be able to have__ in bed with you - insert name of toy here)
Home alone with the keys to the T.V controls. Husband had texted to say he was going to the pub (without the requisite 24 hours notice, am not bothered, but will store this up in the virtual tally for when I want to go to the pub on a whim).
Pyjamas, slippers, hot chocolate.

Need to make a resolution not to turn P.C on in evening unless am prepared to do anything creative on it! Need to impose a social media embargo, starting from 9pm or 21:00 hours (to pinch a gag from ‘Spaced’.) Because the news filters through in all channels and can be disruptive to sleep and equilibrium.

So, that’s it for now - banality on a plate! Will try and pitch up with something more exciting next time. Ooh, feel need to end this with a positive, life-affirming message. Crikey, what can it be???

The evenings are getting longer and lighter, aren’t they!

Au revoir, gentle reader.

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