Wednesday 5 December 2018

Time Out

Around this time last year, I wrote this post:
About going easy on yourself, not expecting perfection and taking a step back. Boy do I need to follow my own advice right now.

Right, I’ve always had a tendency to tut and sigh, heavily at times, without realising it, others have helpfully pointed it out, but now I’ve realised that I’ve actually started groaning aloud! Friends, I’m stressed up to the eyeballs at the moment, I’m irritable, emotional and the other day I fell asleep in the pub and I wasn’t even drunk - maybe I’ve developed late onset narcolepsy! So, I’ve been thinking about ways to decompress and take time out because this time of year seems to bring on full on meltdown (or is it just me?). I swear, if one more person asks me if I’ve done all my Christmas shopping….Note: I’ve done NONE of my Christmas shopping! This is not because I’m a last minute, fly by the seat of your pants, buy everything on Christmas Eve, it’s because my daughter’s birthday is next week and all my resources are going into prepping for her party. (Plus I’ve been really skint and have only just got paid). Anyhoo, that’s enough about me, bless you if you’ve preserved past this drivel, let’s talk about YOU, how can YOU relax? Because it’s very important to take care of yourself.

1) Listen to some music, preferably on noise cancelling headphones.

Shut out the whole world and their selfish, unreasonable demands for an hour.
May I recommend
Stars by Dubstar for an uplifting song.
Strange, kinda ghostly and kinda flat verses, interspersed by an almost operatic chorus. Enormously uplifting, especially of you lift your arms up in time to the chorus and sing along as best you can.
b.  Toxic Girl by Kings of Convenience for a relaxing song
I’ve never heard of them either, but this song came up on a Greatest Indie Anthems album and it’s really soothing, especially if you pay no heed to the lyrics. (Actually all their songs are rather soothing, am listening to them as I type this)
c.      Young folks by Peter Bjorn and John if you’re feeling emotionally constipated and need a good cry - it’s so melancholy.

Of course, this is a personal list, you’re bound to have your own go to songs, for every occasion, so go forth and listen to them.

2) Have a massage
Ask around to see if your friends can recommend anyone - then when you find someone good, tell me about it.

3) Buy yourself a gift
Next time you go Christmas shopping, buy yourself a present too! Ha ha, I tend to do this sometimes anyway, especially in book shops.

4) Take time to read
Find a really quiet cafe, buy yourself the beverage of your choice, turn off your phone and read for an hour. If books aren’t your jam, read a magazine or a paper.

5) Wrap up warm and go to the zoo
 Go to the zoo/urban farm/park and look at some animals for a while. The farm is a good option because you can often feed and pet the animals and this is good for bringing down your heart rate.

6) Get Arty
Buy some cheap art materials and paint something - maybe a picture of that goat you took a particular shine to at the Urban farm

7) Socialise
Spend time with people who make you feel good or who make you laugh. Sounds a bit wanky, I know, but enormously therapeutic.

8) Ceremonial stress relief
Write your worries down on scraps of paper and have a ceremonial burning ceremony, or just rip them up and throw them away.

9) Bake something. 
Method, routine, the satisfaction of having created something. If you’re feeling virtuous, gift it someone, if you feel in need of a treat, eat the thing you baked on a really nice plate, accompanied by your favourite beverage (again) in your favourite cup. (If you don’t have a favourite cup, buy yourself a nice cup, as part of point 3!)

10. Give yourself a break
 Don’t worry about being fat (this one's for me) because one of your favourite animals is a seal and seals are fat and gorgeous and everybody loves them!

Now, go forth, you magical unicorn and sparkle! Or, alternatively, put your feet up and relax.

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