Saturday 25 November 2017

Speaking Out

Every day a new face pops up, another name, a new allegation, or so it seems. A ghost train ride where more and more disturbing images pop out at you. And they don’t all look like malevolent sea slugs*, with some of them you think - Oh no, not you too, I liked you, (Or, I liked your work, anyway). You seemed like a nice guy (and they always seem to be guys) but how would I know, I never met you.
*I’ve just done an image search for sea slugs and they’re actually quite beautiful creatures, so I’m doing them a disservice by comparing Weinstein to one of them.

And then people say - why didn’t they come forward before? These women (and men), why didn’t they speak out years ago, when it first happened? Perhaps these people are lacking in empathy or the ability to formulate critical thought, or perhaps they’ve been duped by the patriarchy.
Why didn’t they come forward before? it’s because the perpetrators had power. Nobody will believe you, they would have said. ‘You’ll never work again’, the sea slug would have said. ‘Let’s not turn this into a witch hunt’, says the man who married his own (adopted) daughter.

Perhaps it’s because some forms of harassment have been masquerading as ‘banter’, harmless flirtation or just as something that happens, for all these years. Perhaps it’s because there’s a culture of victim blaming in the judiciary system and in the wider culture as a whole. What was s/he doing there? What did they expect to happen? What was she wearing? How much had she had to drink?

An open lie, and it’s so depressing because it feels like it’s everywhere - in politics (even on the side that you agree with), entertainment (where first it showed it’s ugly, un-glitzy face), at school and work and in the arts and sciences, seeping out from every crevice.
No escape, no safe place.

With the #Metoo thing - I applaud your bravery in speaking up. Not everyone is ready to share their stories and that’s understandable too.
I know fewer women it hasn’t happened to, than it has, to be honest.

Is there anything to be salvaged from all this? When it feels like it is everywhere.
Well, at least it is out in the open now, it’s better that people are coming forward because these crimes thrive on secrecy. It’s good that people are sharing their stories as it empowers others to do the same. And if not every villain is removed from post or taken to court and found guilty, at least some are; the wheels have been set in motion.

The ITV page of links to rape helplines:

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