Sunday 26 October 2014

Putting it into Practice

Good intentions - the road to Hell is filled with them, apparently. (Bringing to mind images of missionaries, zealots and the like.) But in this day and age, good intentions are what you have on New Year’s Day; when the horrific hangover that is sitting on your shoulders like a bucket full of sewage is alleviated somewhat by the thought of detoxes, diets and 6 a.m runs, hair streaming behind you as you power through the puddles. I’m not waiting for the New Year for my optimistic, healthy make-over, I’m trying to do it now.
Following on from the Optimum Health workshop I went to the other day, I’ve been trying out a slight lifestyle overhaul....
So, er, all sounds a bit wanky, doesn’t it? If I read those words above, I probably wouldn’t want to carry on reading. As it is, I can barely bring myself to carry on writing. Perhaps it would be easier to read/write if I listed my good intentions:

  1. Eat less and stop when I am full.
Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? I have to admit though that I made this really nice Thai curry the other day. As an aside, I saw someone (on Ready, Steady Cook, if you must know) saying that people like spicy food because it causes pain on your taste buds and that pain brings on a rush of pain-relieving endorphins. Cue happy feelings. Whatever, my Thai curry was delicious and I’m afraid I went back for a bit more. I ignored the receptors in my stomach that were telling me I was full, I tried to run past them, and I ate a little too much. Must. Try. Harder.

  1. Exercise more and incorporate it into daily routine.
Trying to walk as much as possible - easier for me as I can’t drive. Long walk yesterday, shorter one today. Planning on walking part of the way to work tomorrow, instead of getting my second bus, thus getting a 45 minute walk in. This all depends on me leaving early enough to allow myself enough time. Notoriously tardy...But no, I will do it! I will, I tells ya, because if I do, it means I can eat more…

  1. Write every day. Witness - ma blog. I did write a possible post yesterday, honest, but it was all a bit too personal and revelatory and I don’t think we’re at that stage in our relationship yet. Maybe when I get to know you a bit better. But anyway, so far so good-ish. Baby steps and all that.

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