Friday 29 December 2023

No Year's Resolution

I’ve stolen the title, and articles like this have been written before but someone asked me if I had any New Year's resolutions and I felt the need to write this.

I am not going to cut anything out. New Year's resolutions, as the person who asked me observed, set you up for failure. Why start the new year (which is an arbitrary, preordained marker anyway) with a booby trap, designed to make you feel terrible about yourself? Rather, I would urge you, gentle reader, to look over the last year and think about the things that made you feel good, and incorporate more of them into your life. Like, really good, as opposed to the temporary high offered by eating a doughnut or downing a shot of sambuca.

So, for me, this would be:

  • Eating avocados.
  • Yoga - have joined a class recently and will continue going to that once a week but will also try and do yoga at least two other times a week. I have the lovely, squashy, purple yoga mat, the little anti-slip socks and now, a pair of ‘yoga pants’, purchased by accident.
  • Reading in bed.
  • Reading and writing in cafes.
  • Telling people when they look nice/have done something well/ have cooked something delicious.
  • Standing on one leg.
  • Walking through nature.
  • Saying no to things I don't want to do.
  • Saying ‘hello’ to strange dogs.
  • Going to the theatre 🎭.
  • Hugging people, whilst respecting their boundaries.
  • Buying really nice scented candles and hand cream.
  • Dancing.
  • Looking in the mirror and telling myself that I look fucking fabulous. (I don't currently do this but plan to implement it).

Actual footage of me doing yoga

Life can be stressful and there are a lot of scary and depressing things going on in the world. Capitalism feeds off your self-loathing so try sticking it to the man by not giving in to all that bollocks. :D 

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