Sunday 10 May 2020

Captain's log 5:1

I am a great admirer of people who ‘get things done’. Those folk who transform their living spaces into something that looks like it has come from the pages of a lifestyle magazine, almost as soon as they’ve unpacked their boxes. These people don’t put off unpacking their boxes in the first place, they get straight down to it. People who don’t feel defeated before they’ve even begun, people who totally have their shit together. Needless to say I am not one of those people.
I like to think that the reason I don’t make much physical, tangible progress is because I’m more of an internal person, living in my own head. Mine is a subterranean landscape, just as sparkling, colourful and well maintained as your living room, just not visible to the naked eye.

So, what have I done since lockdown began?
  • Completed a third round of edits for my WIP (Work in progress).
  • Written a short story based on the prompt from the Curtis Brown Creative - Weekly Writing Workout course.
  • I realise that you probably don’t care about the two things listed above, but writing felt like an agonising, almost insurmountable chore at one point, so anything that frees up the process is good.
  • Read a bit of Wintering by Katherine May. The blurb on the cover is right - it is a beautiful book and one which makes you feel, fleetingly, closer to the natural world, which brings me to my next point:
  • Got a lot of pleasure from observing the flora and fauna on our daily walk, particularly the mighty Mistle Thrush. 
    Mistle Thrush (we think) 
     I’ve mentioned it before but I’m really appreciating seeing the small changes around us, as the season turns, and it’s a real joy to see this bird on our walk, it’s status is 'Population decreasing' so I feel privileged to be able to spot it.
  • Fed the fishes - the huge carp are like something out of a cartoon. You can imagine them having a full on war with the duck who keeps bullying the poor, pretty Mandarin ducks, chasing them away when you try to feed them. The duck pecked at the fish as they tussled for food but the fish are so big I can imagine them all getting together and fighting back. 


  • Put in quite a few hours at work. Work is a welcome diversion - who knew?
  • Done quite a bit of Just Dance. I’ve finally found an exercise that makes you sweat, that I actually enjoy!
  • Watched Deutschland 83 on All 4. Just when you think you'v exhausted all the box sets! I keep banging on to everyone I know about this series but it is sooooo good! I now only want to watch stylish thrillers that are set in the past! It is pacey, compelling and wry.      
    Martin/Morris in Deutschland 83
  • Have learned how to do planks, thanks to Joe Wicks. (I’m still fat btw, don’t think all of this exercise has narrowed my silhouette, it hasn’t, maybe that has something to do with all the wine...or the Kit Kats….or the ersatz Frazzles)
  • Done a visual diary - even if I can’t draw. My goodness you are in for a treat. If you thought Space Dorg was bad, etc, etc, but again, it’s often easier to express things in pictures rather than words, so (insert shrug emoji - my most overused emoji, here.

Hope you are well. See you on the other side! xx

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