Sunday 29 March 2020

The Isolation Diaries

Dear Reader,

It's been a while, hasn't it? I couldn't write anything for a long time for personal reasons and then there was - well, you know, the thing we're all going through at the moment - pandemic, social isolation, lock-down. 

Like most people, the whole situation drove fear into my heart. All this talk of virtual museum tours and binge watching box sets on Netflix did nothing to allay my fears of the suffocating feeling of being buried alive. BUT, but it hasn't been quite as bad as I feared. I do realise that I'm lucky - I have my family around me and, although we don't have a proper garden, we have been able to get out to the park most days, for a good old, 2 metres away from other zombies, walk. We have enough to eat, (fingers crossed) we are well and my husband and I are able to work from home. So I do realise how fortunate we are, compared to others.

What have I done in these isolated times? I haven't learned a language, taught myself how to make origami animals or cleared out any junk but I have kept the wolves at bay by keeping (a little bit) busy. So here is a mainly visual diary of the last few days:


I've been doing far more of it - not particularly photogenic stuff but a vegetable curry, a Bolognese and some soup. My husband made bread the other day which looked and tasted amazing but he can put a picture of that in his own blog! Here is my soup:

That soup had everything in it - lentils, roasted red peppers, smoked paprika, vegetable bouillon, onion (of course!). My kids are quite fussy eaters but they will eat most things if they've been blended into an unrecognisable mush so the soup was a 2 day, resounding success. Shame I didn't do that for the Bolognese or curry really...Anyway, I've got us on wartime rations* and as a consequence I am permanently hungry but I do find that I'm appreciating the taste of things much ore so perhaps after a few weeks of this the children will be begging for some of  that vegetable curry...
*Please be assured that I'm not starving my children - everyone has enough to eat, snacks are factored in - both healthy and 'unhealthy' but I felt the need to impose some kind of regime in order to stop the constant bird squawk of 'I'm hungry!' - Me, this is mostly me doing the squawking! :)


The aforementioned almost daily walks to the park, we are very lucky to live within walking distance of this. The kids don't appreciate this yet but maybe they will:

A deer - self isolating
We've also been doing daily P.E with the lovely Joe Wicks:

It's really hard! My poor, dough-like body doesn't know what's hit it. Squats, planks, press-ups, lunges! Do you know what though, I started off this week crying in bed while my husband tried to give me a 'we can do this' pep talk, and I felt way, way better after the first exercise sesh with Mr. Wicks. I can't be cynical about this, it 's brilliant! I can't do half of the moves and stand there marching on the spot while the others contort, at certain points, but better than doing nothing, right.

Home hairdressing

Yeah, it was only a matter of time really. I had vowed never to cut my own hair. Ever since that terrible time when, aged thirteen, I had hacked around with my fringe so much and it got shorter and shorter and more crooked so I decided it would be a good idea simply to cut it off completely. I ended up pulling the hair forward from further back and it looked truly, truly vile. I had the obligatory '80s mullet at the time too so those were NOT good hair days. I'm never cutting my own hair again, was my resolution and I mostly stuck to it. I'm afraid that I ruined my daughter's hair, when she was a toddler, so I vowed not to touch the kids' barnets either and I've stuck to that. However, that hasn't stopped me experimenting with colour...and er, I've dyed my hair pink:

Note to self - put makeup on next time you post a picture!

I feel a little bit 'My little Pony' but the next time you see me it'll have grown out so not to worry, eh. 

So reader, I hope you are keeping well, do feel free to leave a comment. Let's do a video call at some point, yeah, because it would be nice to see your lovely face. xxx

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