Saturday 16 June 2018

The Song of the Invisible Woman

The Song of the Invisible Woman

Sorry to interrupt but did I tell you -
I am here
Trying not to offend anyone
Trying not to make a stir.
Could I just have your attention for a minute?
Did you see this?
I was just wondering if you’d had the chance to read these words…
I am here
May I possibly claim your attention for just one moment?
Actually, more than a moment,
Although it pains me to say it,
I’m so sorry to intrude upon your time but
I am here
Fading away but prominently hideous -
The two things tussling for dominance-
And dominance don’t come easy.
You didn’t think it important enough to acknowledge me-
I don’t blame you,
I know how busy you are
But I just wanted you to know that
I am here
Waiting for you to notice me.
It’s unseemly to shout,
I’m reluctant to be crass,
I wasn’t invited to the party,
Am dreadfully sorry to gatecrash,
You can’t imagine my mortification
But I have a message for you,
Please could you take a minute to read it -
Could you just cast your eye over the fact that

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