Thursday 29 September 2016


I was very aware of two things when I undertook the challenge not to drink for month:

  1. That many people (myself included) wouldn’t see it as much of a trial and not really worthy of fundraising, particularly when compared to 'proper' challenges like marathons, triathlons and the like.
  2. In talking about how hard I found it, I risked making myself sound like an alcoholic.

Well, it has been hugely challenging. Every time I’ve been out in September, (and,as I said in a previous post, September had a few anniversaries, birthdays and social engagements:;postID=2960031899805656908;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=5;src=postname)
I’ve felt a little kick of...of what exactly? Longing? Craving? Blimey, I really do sound like a lush...
On Fridays, whilst chatting to some of the parents (and staff) at school and nursery pick-ups, I’ve had to put on a rueful, comedy sad face - listening to them talking about how much they were looking forward to opening a bottle of wine that evening (or Prosecco, or gin, or whatever). Yes, it’s a bit of a cliche - the whole ‘wine o’clock’ thing but one which many people buy into.

I don’t think I’m an alcoholic. I haven’t suffered from the D.Ts, since I stopped drinking, or had any of the other withdrawal symptoms, which can (according to webMD) include :
But, as I said, I haven’t found it easy.
Is this because I reach for an alcoholic drink, rather than doing yoga, when I feel stressed?
Is it because I associate alcohol with celebrations?
Is it because going out for dinner doesn’t feel like enough of a treat (come on, isn’t the fact that you don’t have to cook it or clean up after it enough??) without a glass of wine?
Is it for all of those reasons? Probably.
Am I going to give up drink forever? Nooooooooo!
Am I going to think more about measures and moderation? Yes!
Did I lose any weight? No I f*cking didn’t and this is the last time, dear reader, you’ll ever see/hear me mention weight. I feel that harping on about it makes me a BAD FEMINIST and also a bit boring so that’s it, am done talking about it. If I ever mention my own or anyone else’s weight again, feel free to throw gin in my face (preferably mixed with elderflower tonic...there she goes with the cliches again!).
So, there you have it, not long now before I can start knocking them back again (in moderation!).

Thank you for bearing with me while I've gone on and on about it.

And thank you to all who sponsored me! There's still time, if you haven't done so already:

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