Sunday 21 August 2016

Men who look like vegetables

Following on from the popular, 'Animals who look like famous people' strand, I give you you men who look like vegetables.

Now look, I'm not claiming to be immune from any root vegetable comparisons myself, in fact, I'd say most photos leave a distinctly spud-like impression, but do you ever see a picture of a film star and think - 'wow, that person really reminds me of a spring onion?' No?
Well, don't bother reading any further then. For those who do, here are some examples of men who look like legumes/allium/potatoes:

1) Bit of an obvious one, this: Vin Diesel

and a King Edward potato

2) Next up, a very fine actor, surprisingly good dancer and a menacing presence in many a good movie: Christopher Walken:

and, one of my favourite vegetables, the (not so) humble leek:
3) Villain of the piece, Trump:

You'll never view them in the same, 'alternative-to-standard-chips' light, again: 
The Sweet potato

4) Gorgeous posh boy and, if reports are to be believed, current consort of the T-Swizzle, Tom Hiddleston:

a runner bean.
No, really, have a good look, as lovely as he is, there is something distinctly bean-like about Tom, especially when he plays Loki in those superhero movies.

5) Squashy-faced actor, John C. Reilly:

A Beetroot:

And finally, good humoured polymath and all round good egg, John Sergeant:
and a delicious vegetable with far more subtlety than celery, Celeriac:

Now, I don't know about you but looking at all these vegetables has made me hungry, so I'm off to have lunch. Ttfn.

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