Thursday 9 July 2015

Taking the Heat

Here we are in Summer! Not just any old Summer but a proper, sun-filled Summer where there is gleeful talk of heat waves (or ominous warnings; depending which news reports you listen to) and you can’t move for painted toenails and hairy knees (not usually on the same person).  So, I thought that I’d add to the general slew of comparison lists by adding my own.  A list of PROs and CONs.
When I was a child, the Summer holidays seemed to billow out before me like a vast, circus marquee; bulging with the promise of possible delights and adventure (perhaps I read too much Enid Blyton). Nowadays, at the first hint of yellow, my first instinct is panic; mainly consisting of ‘What the f**k am I going to wear?’ ‘How on earth am I going to keep myself and the kids cool?’ ‘Will I ever find a deodorant that I have full confidence in?’
First World concerns, and this is very much a First World concerns kinda list, so apologies in advance.
If you are the sort of person who sees only the positive in Summer - a flip-flop wearing sun-worshipper, then stop reading now. If, for you, (like me) Summer carries any kind of ambiguity, then read on.

  1. Ice-cream
The biggest and the best Pro - do I even need to qualify it? The appeal of ice-cream doesn’t pall with age; if anything, it increases. What day is not made infinitely better by the addition of one of these cold little lovelies?
Yeah - I’m a miserable killjoy for saying this, right? But honestly - burnt meat, eaten in scorching heat. Or, in my case, some begrudgingly purchased veggie burgers - lodged betwixt a flabby white roll; a roll so bland that you might as well be eating a balled up, worn sports sock. Socks lead me neatly on to my next PRO:
2) Fewer socks, clogging up the washing machine due to heightened sandal/flip-flop wearing.
Blisters - caused by said sandals until you develop a hard layer of Hobbit skin on your feet.
3) After work drinks! These usually start earlier if you have an understanding boss.
*Every f**ker in the beer garden unrepentantly blows their smoke all over you. ‘This is OUR domain!’ Their defiant stares say.
*As an ex smoker, I reserve the right to be a sanctimonious clot.
4) Open carriage rides??
Actually, I’m messing with you here - I’ve never done this but I like the IDEA of it.

5) ICE
Every drink is improved by the addition of ice, and I mean EVERY: Pimms, wine, cider, mixers, soft drinks, milkshakes, water, beer (yeah, I said beer!), coffee. The list goes on and on. And ice makes a beautiful, clinking, shattery sound as it melts. So, lets end this (very short) list on a positive - Cheers!
Public transport: The smell of B.O which is pumped out of the air vents by TFL does nothing to enhance the experience, I’d like to propose a more refreshing smell; something citrusy perhaps.

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