Sunday 1 September 2019

Hello, September!

I love September - all those deliciously crunchy, colourful autumn leaves - like a bowl of vegetable crisps, and the cool but sunny mornings. It's the month of new beginnings - the new school year and all that - clean slate. September is a far better month to have resolutions than January, I always think. I am filled with good intentions, mainly to try and stave off the existential angst/post holiday blues/back to school dread that the beginning of the aforementioned new school year brings on.

So this month I'm going to try tapping - after reading an article about it in Psychologies magazine. 'To change something you have to embrace it first'. The article focused on accepting something you disliked about yourself or felt was holding you back.
Tapping works on similar principles as acupressure or at least it accessing the same points on your body as acupuncture and is purported to help deal with pain, emotional problems and issues within yourself. I'm hoping it will help me counter procrastination, fear of change, low level episodes of depression, self loathing - you know, the minor stuff...

On the one hand it does kinda sound like absolute bollocks, on the other, if it gets me to clear out my house it's worth a try.

Water baby
I'd forgotten how much I loved swimming. I took the kids to the local pool the other day, after they'd pestered me remorselessly, with the aid of my obliging Mum and we had a great time. The kids really enjoyed it, my mum seemed to enjoy it and I quickly forgot to be worried about being seen in a swimsuit and let myself enjoy the sensation of weightlessness and the fun to be had in ploughing through the water like a seal. What really revolutionised it for me was the fact that now the kids can swim I didn't have to stand there holding them up and getting cold.
Best of all though was how I felt after the swim - calm, happy and that nothing was insurmountable. Friends, I almost never feel like this!! I dare say it won't happen every time but it's certainly enough to induce me to want to go again.

So am going to make a point of going swimming or doing an aquafit class once a week - fancy joining me?

A new course. Possibly. This very much depends on something that I'm waiting to hear back from...will keep you posted.

What else? A daily act of kindness? A parenting course?? Yoga (yawn!!)

Happy September, y'all!