Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Stay Cool

I’ll let you into a little secret, just because it has stopped raining and the sun is shining fit to flay the skin from your arms; doesn't mean you have to sit out in it. It is actually far more civilised to sit in the shade. Of course, you may well enjoy the sensation of sitting in the full glare of the sun and grilling yourself like a sardine on a barbecue but is it that good for you? Yes, there is the issue of vitamin D, but there is also the issue of malignant melanoma. Anyhoo, here are some tips for cooling down, if you want them.

  1. Run your wrists under a cold tap or immerse them in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Invest in a great, big fan and try freezing some bottles of water and suspending them from the fan. (Poor woman’s air conditioning - it is meant to dispense cool air around the room, tried this a couple of years ago with variable success.)
  3. Persuade your boss to let you have a water pistol fight at work.
  4. Eat loads of ice-cream. I wrote a blog post about the pros and cons of summer, last year and ice-cream came at the top of my list of ‘pros’.http://msmuddles.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/taking-heat.html
  5. Change your wallpaper and screensavers to pictures of snowy scenes and watch lots of Scandi crime dramas - it always looks freezing in The Bridge.
  6. Stay well hydrated - lots of water and watery food - cucumber, melon and the like.
  7. Recreate the effect of sitting at the sea’s edge, with the waves gently lapping at your feet by placing your feet in a washing-up bowl of cold water and swilling them around every now and again.
  8. Consider moving to Stornoway (in the Scottish Highlands): On the UK weather map, whenever the rest of Britain is experiencing a full-on heatwave, Stornoway usually seems to be at least 10 degrees cooler than, say, London. I’ve just checked - the temperature in West London is currently peaking at a lacerating 30oC, Stornway 16oC!
  9. Do as little as possible - you now have the perfect excuse, my friend!
  10. Enjoy it while it lasts: go to an open air pool (some of them are open relatively late so you could go after work), head for the beach, go and have a picnic somewhere there’s lots of shade, cook every vestige of flavour out of that poor, tortured piece of beast, go and have cocktails/an ice cold beer/an iced coffee...

Thursday, 14 July 2016

The Power of Art

Warning: Look away if you are of a sneering, supercilious disposition.

Journalist Miranda Sawyer was on 6 Music this week, being interviewed about her book. The little I caught, before I had to dash out into the stormy afternoon to do the school pick-up, was focused on how to feel good (when you are middle-aged!), without having to take drugs or get drunk. She mentioned Art, music and running; with a particular emphasis on Art. That’s timely, I thought, I’ve been thinking the same thing myself lately; how sometimes seeing a good play, film, exhibition or gig, can transform your state of mind. It can be an almost transcendental experience. At the risk of sounding pretentious, it reminded me of the Alexander Pope quote, carved in italics in the rafters at Richmond Theatre - ‘To wake the soul by tender strokes of art’.
So here are a few uplifting things that I have read/experienced/taken part in recently.

  1. PLAY: The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe
    Scene from Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew by Washington Allston (1809). en.wikipedia.org
It feels a little weird writing about this, given that a couple of people I went to the theatre with might read this and think - No, it wasn't like that at all - she is completely misrepresenting it. But our lives are screened through the prism of our own experiences/worldview, aren't they? I mean, what is reality?...
Anyway, I digress (as usual).
I went to the theatre (my first visit to the Globe) feeling a little apprehensive about having a 'standing' ticket. Could I stand it? Standing up for a couple of hours. Like being at a gig but without being able to dance.
I loved the play and this is what I discovered about having a standing ticket, a list of pros and cons:
  • You are close to the stage so it feels like a more immersive experience.
  • It forces you to concentrate on the action a bit more as you are unable to slump.
  • It is so cheap! Going to the theatre is a costly business, usually, so I love the fact that the standing tickets are £5 - cheaper than going to the cinema!
  • You do (sort of) get the chance dance a bit; or at least do a bit of foot tapping. The production we saw had some stirring Irish music in it and the audience were encouraged to clap and cheer along - a certain amount of foot tapping went on, maybe some of the more confident members of the audience actually threw some shapes.
  • The ‘lucky’ folk who are standing right at the front are involved in the actual performance. One man was ridden like a horse.
  • The ‘lucky’ folk who are standing right at the front are involved in the actual performance. One man was ridden like a horse.
  • The hardest thing about standing for that length of time is having to stay still and not being able to really move. I did feel a little stiff at the end of it - legs felt a tad achy.
  • Tall people should really do the decent thing and stand at the back - but they don’t, the big rotters.
All in all, though, a wonderful experience which ended with a dance from the whole cast (as do all Shakespeare plays at the Globe, I believe). This particular production has an Irish cast and has shifted the time scale to the 1916 Easter rising. The costumes and songs reflect this, although the dialogue is still Shakespeare’s own. I found the whole play electrifying and particularly appreciated emerging from the theatre to be greeted by the fairy lights in the wooden trees. Magical.

2) BOOK: Where’d you go, Bernadette? By Maria Semple

Like all the best forms of art, it is difficult to paraphrase this book or to explain quite why it is so good. I’ll give it a clumsy try:
Where’d you go, Bernadette? Deals with the disappearance of the Bernadette of the title; a once brilliant architect who won the MacArthur grant but never followed up on her first stellar successes and has been hiding out in Seattle ever since. It is a town she loathes and most of her energy seems to be devoted to disparaging its inhabitants and trying to avoid most human contact. Her fifteen year old daughter, Bee, is an exception to this and it is she who attempting to find out what happened to her mother. Bee is trying to retrace her mother’s steps by going through a raft of emails, letters and FBI reports, which have mysteriously been delivered to her. (The story is written in this form).
I think that I enjoyed this book so much because it is funny and smart and the voices are pitch perfect. It also has a (rather loose) theme of redemption.
One of the other great things about it is that, it would be all too easy and predictable for it to present the classic, problematic Mother-daughter relationship (as my own unsuccessful YA novel does!). But the mother-daughter relationship in this is touchingly close and (seemingly) based on mutual understanding. Bee and her mother are friends, the latter recounts an incident which demonstrated how much her mother was her champion. There is a heartening memory of the two of them sitting in the car, listening to and singing along with The Beatles, Abbey Road album (my own personal favourite). There are interesting facts about the Beatles and the Abbey Road album in particular. I love books which reference music, which brings me neatly onto my next choice.

3) MUSIC: Anything by Joanna Newsom
To my shame, I used to mock and deride Joanna Newsom, saying that she sounded like the squeaky, blonde, stringy-haired muppet from The Muppets
Would that I had a modicum of her talent! True, her voice does take a bit of getting used to, can be a little challenging at first, but once you do become acclimatised to it, it can be quite transcendental; that and her wonderful harp playing. The lyrics to her songs are really interesting; they tell a story and are educational, I mean, no offence to the T-Swizzle but you wouldn't learn about the difference between a meteor and a meteorite from one of her songs, would you?
I went through a phase, a few months back, of listening to Joanna Newsom as I was getting ready for work in the morning. I would have it on on my laptop, playing the videos on YouTube. My older daughter, having dressed for school, would come and lie on the bed and watch the videos with me. It was a blissful moment of rare calm, before we rushed out into the world.
‘This music makes me relaxed.’ She said once, she is only five so I think that’s quite cute (and I’m sparing you from cuteness overload by not writing 'music' the way she actually pronounces it).
‘This music makes me boring.’ The younger, less appreciative one said. (Obviously meaning bored.)
But there is definitely something about listening to Joanna Newsom’s most recent album that makes you want to lie down and just appreciate it.

So, to sum up - music, books and all that - they are really amazing! I had been experiencing feelings of extreme moroseness, (psychic) paralysis and malaise. I couldn't write anything, hadn't the heart for it but I'm sure that it's no coincidence that a lifting of the spirits occurred at the same time as going to see a good play.

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Art of being an Ostrich

I’m done with talking about politics*. The whole business seems to be in free-fall and it’s making me feel ill. I feel like Chicken Licken and I don’t really know what I’m talking about. Sometimes, you just have to accept that there is not much you can do about the wider issues (beyond signing an infinity of online petitions, joining a union/continuing your membership to a union) and hunker down. With that in mind, I’m going to list some of the things that I’ve used as distractions from the whole monstrous business this week.

  1. Watching the incredible Game of Thrones finale then reading everything I could about it: programme blogs, Interviews with cast members, fan theory memes, articles discussing Jon Snow’s parentage….http://www.zergnet.com/news/1010617/the-jon-snow-reveal-may-be-more-complicated-than-we-thought
  2. Playing Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit. I won! But I don’t like to crow (much). Some might say that I have an unfair advantage, having read all of the books at least four times. I’m a geek, alright! It worked, as a distraction so now to see if there is a Game of Thrones version...
  3. Watching Pointless. More quizzing, but this is nothing out of the ordinary, business as usual!
  4. Reading Agatha Christie. There is something about reading about a time where women (even the maids) travelled with hat boxes that makes it seem like a totally different world. This must be why people read fantasy - to escape from the mundane and familiar. Of course somebody always dies (in Christie) but they’re usually an out and out bounder, so that’s OK.
  5. Reading 'naughty' stories (not very effective). What is it about sex in books that, in the wrong hands, manages to turn it into something numbingly tedious? Yeah, yeah, yeah, then he did that...skip, skip...Perhaps it is all about quality rather than quantity - too much cloys the palate.
  6. Skimming through social media and trying to avoid anything that mentions the B word, or politics in general. If not avoid, then just glean the salient points.
  7. Eating chocolate - Kit-Kats, specifically. Kit-kats are ace - the right ratio of chocolate to wafer, a satisfying crunch.
Why does comfort eating get such a bad press? The clue is in the name, y’all, it’s comforting! (I am kind of joking here…)
  1. Walking a lot - to counteract the paralysing fear. See previous blog post about walking. http://msmuddles.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/the-joy-of-walking.html It helps if you get lost (see previous FB status update). Also, to counteract all the comfort eating you might be doing.
  2. Pretending that the children are babies again and rocking them in my arms, whilst singing ‘See-saw-margery-daw’ in a dreary monotone (they seem to like it- although I do like to try and keep the sMothering to a minimum).
  3. Meeting up with friends and balancing Brexit talk with talk of other things - books etc.

*Disclaimer: Please don’t think this means I don’t care - I care deeply, about all of it, but it is making me ill and I need to take a step back and, thinking about the serenity prayer, ‘accept the things I cannot change’. Some people think that you should face your fears head on but this feels very much like a battle to which I haven’t been invited!